Germany is one of the countries at the forefront of Europe’s fight against cleaner air and Co2 emissions yet it is still home to five of the dirtiest power plants in the area. According to a recent study by the WWF, Germany has a total of 6 out of top ten of the power plants in Europe that emit the most CO2 per hour of energy produced. While Greece is still the winner of the dirtiest European power plant which produces around 1.35 kilograms of CO2 per hour of kilowatt power, Germany and Britain (seemingly unlikely sources) are at a steady second on that shameful list with 10 plants in the top 30 respectively.
To spite Germany’s high ranking goals to generate most of its power from renewable energy it is still turning to the coal industry for a great deal of its power supply. Many environmental organisations and in particular the WWF are criticising Germany’s decision to continue building coal fired power plants.
According to this newly published report Germany uses more coal to generate electricity than any other EU country even though it has a reputation for being the leader in fighting for rapid climate change.
The WWF has now made a plea to Germany to stop using the coal industry and to rather switch to other energy sources.